Grass Widow seem a lot like the Vivian Girls. There's three of them. They play rather lo-fi, melodic punk. Most of them are refugees from various other bands. They're even playing with the Vivian Girls tonight at 8 at Market Hotel. But the song"To Where," a terrifically melodic track which accomplishes more in a few minutes than I thought any lo-fi track could, goes from spare and dissonant to lofty and meditative, and kind of beatific. In an-ever-more crowded club of Me Toos, it's a lovely standout. With new records on out this month on Captured Tracks and Make a Mess, they're they're poised to distinguish themselves from every other Girl out there.
And speaking of Girls, if you weren't one of the lucky ones to who gets to see Girls at Bowery Ballroom tonight, maybe you're luckier than you think, because there's a Girls afterparty going on at Market Hotel after the show, so if you see Grass Widow, you can get the best of both worlds. Though I'm not sure if Girls themselves will be up for making the trek all the way over to Bed-Stuy, (Market Hotel is a pain in the ass to get to even for me, and I live in what's technically the next neighborhood over). But the good news is no matter what, there will be Girls in some way, shape or form. Plenty of 'em.
Mp3 - Grass Widow - To Where
1 comment:
I believe it was Motley Crue who said it best
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