You pays your money and you takes your choice.

Showing posts with label Excepter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Excepter. Show all posts

Monday, September 28, 2009

This weeks Chikpiks: Featuring The Mazex2!

Photo via Nate Dorr via E4E1

Wednesday, September 30
You Are Here: A Maze
Death by Audio

How do you decide between your children? Well, you can't, and it's a little like deciding which night of You Are Here: A Maze to go to. Every night is different, and like it or not, you're going to be missing something whichever night you don't go. Luckily there are intrepid writers and photographers (like Nate, who has more beautiful photos where that came from) documenting it religiously. So far, I have not been one of them. But luckily, I've been struck with a stroke of brilliance (or as you might call it, e-mail) and have decided that Wednesday, Sept. 30th, will be the day. Not only will that night feature Emma Kupa of the UK-based, Camera Obscura-influenced indie-poppers Standard Fare (below) playing solo, but lovely, laid back, local lo-fi lady Nicole Schneit and Air Waves. Not to mention Nymph, Ava Luna, Eskalators, and Aldertone, all playing in one spontaneous, messy explosion of sound.

8 PM
All Ages


Mp3 - Standard Fare - Dancing

Friday, October 2

You Are Here: A Maze
Death by Audio

But (and this is where the 2x comes in) I decided that it's not enough, having waited for this last week, to take it in once and be done with it. No, the Maze of course lends itself, like the medieval carnivals in the mazelike streets and canals of Venice, to mysterious midnight rendezvous, exotic elixirs and one-time-only discoveries of dark and glittering secrets.

So I will also attend the noise-infused finale on Friday, Oct. 2, when Zs, Excepter, Mick Barr, DJ Rubin, Noveller (members of Parts & Labor) and Dome Theater will be present, with delicious beverages aplenty. And then it will be finished. And then I can sleep.

8 PM
All Ages


Mp3 - Excepter - Kill People