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Showing posts with label Louisa May Alcott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louisa May Alcott. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2009

The early show: Red lips, Blue Bloods

Melissa de la Cruz and Disney Hyperion celebrated the release of Blue Bloods IV: The Van Alen Legacy" Wednesday night, which I wrote about at more length for

Jenny Ko (second from left) and fellow Barnes and Noble YA buying execs (minus the fake blood makeup) hang out in the gothic living room lounge of MEET at The Apartment on Crosby Street, Soho. On their advice, I'm considering revamping my novel into a YA roman a clef.

De la Cruz spent the evening night drinking "blood cocktails" in blue goblets and hang out with burlesque dancer and "Danger Dame" Veronica Varlow, who complimented my carefully-selected vampiric outfit. Yes, that is me in the second picture. On the left, naturally.

Let's see if Little Women and Werewolves can beat that.